Pocket watches, tie slides and cuff links are an easy way to stand out and make a statement on your wedding day. I know, traditionally it is left up to the Bride to make the statement, but hey don't forget it's your special day too! We've always aimed to make our Grooms stand out in the crowd, to be one step ahead of the rest of your wedding entourage. Often this is done by different ties and waistcoats. But, sometimes, all you need is that small special touch that isn't even particularly noticed upon first glance. Optimising that 'less is more' sentence we're all familiar with.

Pocket watches for Grooms

Over the last few years we have noticed more and more Grooms have fallen in love with the delicate elegance of the pocket watch and chain. With Peaky Blinders bringing this must have accessory back into the fore front of peoples minds. Pocket watches seem to drift in and out of fashion and were first historically recognised back in in 1524! Although they have moved on quite a lot since then!!

They fall into different styles and below is a brief description of each style:

  • The Hunter - The Hunter case has a solid metal cover over the face of the watch.
  • The half Hunter - this has a solid casing but with a cut out hole in the front allowing you to see the watch face.
  • The double Hunter - This has an opening cover on both the front and back of the watch.
  • The open face -This has no front cover exposing the watch face at all times.
  • The skeleton - This shows the full mechanical movement within the watch.

When wearing your pocket watch with your waistcoat the FOB (chain) should be threaded through your button hole (normally the second button down from the top) and the watch slipped into your waistcoat pocket. Just remember if your right handed in to your left pocket leaving your dominant hand free and visa versa for left handed gentlemen.

Tie clips, slides, bars and tacks.

Tie tacks.

The original way of attaching your tie to your shirt so that it didn't get in the way. This small tack is normally about the size of a drawing pin. A tie tack pushes straight through both the tie and shirt and is fastened at the back. This works well with woven silk, wool and tweed ties. It is not ideal for wearing with delicate fabrics and it will leave a hole in the cloth.

Tie clips, slides and bars.

Tie slides, clips and bars are more widely used than the traditional tacks these days. This is due to the finer fabrics that are used in tie making. The tie slide does exactly that, it slides onto your shirt and tie holding your tie neatly against your chest. A tie clip does the same but has a hinge devise which can make it easier to attach. With all tie clips, slides and bars always remember the etiquette that they should be only 3/4 of the width of the tie.

Cuff links.

Cuff links are an elegant way of tying your whole look together with a simplistic understated elegance. That little splash of opulence that just delicately peeks out from the edge of your jacket sleeve. These can be the link (excuse the pun) between your wedding ring, pocket watch and tie slide. Alternatively they can be the hidden fun side of your personality.